Hey Beautiful people, Happiness is a gift from God, not every creature in this world is happy, and I am inviting every human to this event. If you are happy you should spread it and how to do that you will find in this event. If you are sad, after taking this 21-day continuous event you will surely feel the change. If you are ready to keep yourself happy so you are just one step back, take a step forward for yourself. If you want to register for the happiness kindly drop me a mail with the Subject: Happiness event registration. Mail ID: sibgas17@gmail.com Stay connected, Be happy

Hey, Beautiful people,
What do you feel what self-talk is all about? Yeah, of course, it's definitely real we all do it. But sometimes our mind goes in a negative way and disturb us, emotionally, mentally, physically as well.
Does negative thought coming to your mind have any logic? Definitely the 'NO'.
So, here is the solution to get control over your self-talk. The name of this particular activity is 'Take your power back from BOB'. Do you know BOB? he the critic inside you, use the following 3
strategies to take your power back from these negative thoughts.
• IGNORE BOB: Don’t take BOB seriously. When BOB starts rambling on incessantly or
hops on a negative train, imagine BOB has a funny voice or is wearing a clown suit. BOB
is not you, and it doesn’t know what it’s talking about.
• PROTECT BOB: BOB’s easily influenced, so always ask yourself if YOU really
believe what it’s saying. We already talked about getting people out of your head. One
way to do this is to pay special attention to any thoughts coming from BOB that sound
eerily similar to things other people say (such as your parents, the media, authority
figures). Choose what you expose BOB to wisely because he’s apt to believe it and
repeat it.
• OBSERVE BOB: As often as you can, remind yourself to watch your BOB. Notice what
it’s thinking about. If you don’t like what it’s thinking about, CHOOSE A NEW
THOUGHT. You’re in charge. Many of the activities discussed throughout this course
are designed to help you observe, record, and re-direct your bob.
Remember that it takes time to get good at keeping your BOB in check. You’ll notice times
when BOB runs off on a tangent of terrible thoughts without you noticing—sneaky BOB! But no
worries because when you eventually notice what BOB is doing you can WHACK BOB on
the head—it’s like playing Whack-a-Mole. Whack him and say “bad bob!” and laugh.
This stops the negative thought, giving you a moment to remember that you have a choice. You
can then implement one of the thought-changing strategies you learn in the course and pick a
better thought. The more you observe your BOB the better you’ll get at catching it in the act—
and as you practice, the voice will get quieter and your inner cheerleader will take the lead.
Stay Connected, Always remember the critic inside you is not you.
Thank You.
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